It is important to have an ecological conscience, but the first thing we must do to have it is to realize what nature really is.
In the world there are many people who want to do something for the Earth, for nature, for animals, etc., but environmental campaigns cannot win this fight alone, they need the cooperation of all of us.
For this reason, it is crucial to emphasize that for this to be achieved, it is necessary to be aware of our actions and have a true will to change the injustices we commit.
At that moment, the only thing we have to think about is nature, its true relevance, what it has been since the beginning of time.
The most important thing will be that we do not see it as we have been taught in school or as it has been presented to us as a simple satisfying object, but that we must find its true meaning in our being.
In order for us to change our bad habits and give the environment the importance it deserves, we need to realize that nature is not just another satisfier.
We must feel with our hearts that it is not an object, that each element of nature (animals, plants, seas, mountains, etc.) is really valuable and deserves to receive love, but above all it must be respected. Nature also needs respect to develop in harmony and to evolve happily, just like us.
That is why it is necessary that we stop our cruelty and that we become sensitive so that our mind stops being indifferent to the true reality, to that reality that at this moment shouts at us "Stop, please!".
We must see that they are beings who need to receive and give love, who ask for respect, who want to develop freely.
All beings of Mother Nature have a need to communicate heart to heart with us so that we can understand who they really are.
They seek to show that they are capable of giving us love despite the damage we cause them day by day. In spite of everything, what they want most is that we give them the opportunity to teach us that they feel just like us.
They are an important part for the development of the universe, but mainly for the development of our hearts.
A fundamental step will be to put aside the divisions between the animal, the vegetable or the human. It is time for us to leave behind everything that has been imposed on us in that sense and that now makes us act in the wrong way, away from love.
We are a single creation in which these divisions that we have created do not exist and by realizing this we will be able to discover the true essence of our brothers, who every second give us the teaching of living with and for love.
Flora Rock
Wisdom of the Heart Foundation