97% of visitors declare that the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park has satisfied their expectations very much or quite a bit. A total of 272,372 people visited the Aiguestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park throughout 2013 through one of its main entrances located in La Vall de Boí and Espot. This figure represents a decrease of 9.1% of people compared to the previous year. The decrease in visitors is due in part to a very cold winter and spring, snow and rain, which made it difficult to access the natural space during the first semester; the floods of June 18 and 19, which seriously affected the park's accesses and traditional paths, and the general difficult economic situation.
Despite the difficulties in accessing the north slope of the park, the provisional accesses and the impossibility of reaching some parking areas, the number of summer visitors did not vary much compared to 2012. In fact, in the month of August The number of visits increased, going from 84,190 in 2012 to 89,393 in 2013. In addition, it should also be noted that the months of November and December grew, above other years, which shows the deseasonalization or lengthening of visits to the park during the fall.
The origin of the visitors is obtained through a direct survey of all the people who request personalized information at any of the park's information points, including the temporary information points inside it. Regarding the origin of state visitors, the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Food and Natural Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya confirms that a large majority (75%) are Catalans. The rest of the visitors come from Valencia (6%), Madrid (6%) and the Basque Country (3%).
As for foreign visitors, the annual increase in the incidence of Israeli tourism continues to consolidate, accounting for 32% of all foreigners who arrive at the national park (and enter to ask for information at one of the park's reception points) . In a year in which absolute visitor numbers have generally declined, a small increase in Israeli visitors continues to be observed.
The country that has registered the greatest increase in absolute numbers has been Japan (166 more than in 2012), which has allowed it to advance two places (up to 6th) in the country table. The rest of the foreigners who have come to ask for information at one of the park's reception points are those from France (21%), Germany (10%), Holland (9%), Great Britain (5% ) and Japan (4%). In total, visitors have come from 64 different countries (one more than last year).
On the other hand, the surveys that have been carried out from the national park determine that the visitors have valued very positively the free services offered by the information center and the permanent exhibition that there is in each center. Most visitors have been pleasantly surprised by the center that the park has in Senet and have highly valued the exhibition in Llessui on the life of the shepherds and the annual cycle. Overwhelmingly, 97% of surveyed visitors state that the park has largely or fairly met their expectations.
Newsletter Ara Lleida / Lleidatur for Chus Castillo
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